[Public-list] Graymarine Engine transplant

dan walker dsailormon at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 17 08:08:09 PST 2005

paul ,
graymarine is a great engine.mine sat for 16 months or so, and fired up after a few kicks and ran like the engine in my corvette. relatively speaking. just check the fuel tank....if old replace

Paul Lacasse <PLACASSE at SUSCOM-MAINE.NET> wrote:
Hi Folks;
What do you folks think about a 40 yr old 30 HP Graymarine engine? I'm told
it runs (it is in an Alberg 30 that I am proposing to buy).
Some questions:

1: Has anyone out there replaced an original Graymarine with another of the
same type? Price? Problems?

2: What would one think about the transmission attached to it?

3: Are there engines that would bolt up to my transmission?

4: What other systems would need to be modified if replacing entire unit?
(besides the mounts)

5: What other types of units have you folks put in to your boats and how do
prices compare?

I would do a lot of this work myself, if another Graymarine, I would do it
all. I intend on doing a complete engine, not a long block (covers, carbs,
distributor, wires, pan, etc) I may be foolish and deranged, but this has a
big impact on the offer for the Alberg 30 and the depth of the monetary
well. I already know I will need all new rigging, wiring and possibly a new

Thanks for all the help and advice you guys have already given me.

Paul Lacasse
Brunswick, Maine

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