[Public-list] Propane

Peter Hay phay at netcom.ca
Sun Jan 23 14:50:18 PST 2005

  Hi:  I don't participate in the list much but having also installed an
Origo alcohol stove last year I have to say that it has to be cheaper and
just as effective as propane if cooking is what you want to do.
Installation is a matter of ten minutes and cost is around $400.  I can't
see any good propane installation taking less that many hours and much more
money.  In addition comes the possibility of improperly handled fuel
resulting in increased risk.
  The new Origo stove is so simple and operates so well that I can't imagine
an A30 with anything so complex as propane.  The fuel is cheap and plentiful
(you can buy it anywhere) and you don't need to remove tanks to refill nor
do you need a special exterior locker for the bottles (complete with
drain--another necessary complication).
  Finally your first mate doesn't need a 'certified gas handling license' to
operate it (just kidding).  But seriously most women on boats want
simplicity.  We live on the boat for three weeks every year and rely on it.
Unlike the old alcohol stoves it gives no problems and cooks just great.
Our fuel consumption for the three weeks is about $10.00.
  Peter Hay
  Rubicon #384


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