[Public-list] Auto-pilots

Dave Terrell DTERRELL at message.nmc.edu
Wed Jan 26 10:34:03 PST 2005

I have a Simrad TP 30. I find that it works reasonably well. It seems to
like to have a sense of where the boat is going before itis engage and
it likes to have the sails balanced reasnably well. The manual says that
it will have a hard time in the same circumstances that a person will
have a hard time. I do not find that comforting. I think there are a few
mysteries I have yet to discover in its operation.

I am interested in what those who have the comparable autohelm tiller
pilot have to say. I have a friend with a autohelm wheel pilot and it
just locks on and goes. I can not say that my autopilot does that. 

PS rated them as essentially equal but but Simarad slightly ahead - I
can not remember precisely why so i will leave that to someone else to
fill in.

>>> andymshaw at juno.com 1/26/2005 10:53:20 AM >>>
Alright folks,  what's the best auto pilot (tiller) for an  A30?

Andy Shaw
Alberg 30  # 477
St. Mary's River, MD
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