[alberg30] Re: Refinishing Cabin Sole

greg vandenberg fashionguy at ameritech.net
Fri Dec 4 16:44:45 PST 1998

From: greg vandenberg <fashionguy at ameritech.net>

Guy... As the man said... This isn't a hasty decision. A lot of daydreaming
went into it.

 I like shinny teak better than any wood I have ever put varnish to. I
just finished bleaching and varnishing the main cabin on our boat. It had 30
years of oil and looked dark. I thought and thought about doing the floor
after reading about Sousa's cabin sole having a coat of varnish. I opted just
to clean it up and put a little teak oil back in the wood. Teaks biggest
selling point is its anti slip characteristics. The sand is sure going to stop
you from sliding around but it doesn't sound like it would sweep very easily
... better to vacuum. Any body ever use griptex a awlgrip non skid  product.
We used it on the deck when we repainted and it is a great non skid product.
It appears clear or at least it takes the color of what ever it's added to.
Clear begets clear!?

Thanks for asking Guy.

Kindest regards,
greg vandenberg

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