[alberg30] Re: Dogleg table support

FINNUS505 at aol.com FINNUS505 at aol.com
Sat Dec 5 07:32:30 PST 1998

From: FINNUS505 at aol.com

Hi Gordon,
No this dogleg looks really weird. a tinsmiths final project at school!

Picture a 4 inch diam aluminum pipe.  Now, 1/3way up its lenght, it takes a 90
deg. turn. All welded. 2/3 up its lenght, its takes another 90 deg turn to the
first weld, ending up going in the same direction as the bottom third!

The bottom vertical component slips into a sleeve secured on the 'outboard'
face of the stbd bunk. the upper vertical part fits into a sleeve on the
bottom of the table.

Why bother?  Because that middle section, the dog leg, allows the table to sit
further 'inboard', giving more room to people sitting in the stbd bunk. The
whole thing swings onthe vertical axis, too, giving you a wide range of table

My boat came with the table and the dogleg, but the sleeve or receptacle that
is fastned to the 'outboard' side of the bunk face must have gone over the
side with the bunk when the former owner remodeled. Or, started to remodel.

Take care,
Lee Trachtenbeg
Stargazer #255


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