[alberg30] Re: Westerbeke engine wiring

Gordon E. White gewhite at crosslink.net
Fri Dec 18 14:52:53 PST 1998

From: "Gordon E. White" <gewhite at crosslink.net>

    I guess I was. Westerbeke looked into it pretty thoroughly and did
make good on the harness that was shipped wrong. I guess I'd like the
Alberg group to understand that Westerbeke took it seriously and is
acting to make clear the hookups on replacement harnesses from now on
out. I still wonder what caused the fire - it was not possible to
determine that from the remains of the harness, except that it was not
hooked up wrong.
    I doubt it was chafe, but I just do not know.
    Also, I should mention that the Westerbeke engineer said they now
use an insulation that does not burn, at least as readily.
                                                            - Gordon

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