[a30] [alberg30] Non-members (fwd)

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at min.net
Thu Dec 3 05:56:04 PST 1998

From: George Dinwiddie <gdinwiddie at min.net>


I think this discussion is more appropriate on the members-only list.

I wouldn't want anyone to buy the boat (or any boat) just because 
they weren't aware of flaws that it might have.  On the other hand,
I don't want to scare people who aren't aware that all boats are
compromises and all boats have "weak spots."

Last night I got the idea of making the maintenance manual available
to prospective boat owners for $60 and include a coupon good for $35
off the membership fee with an expiration of one year.

As for a slimmed down handbook: There's a lot of good in that idea, but
the printing cost would eat us up.  Currently I mail a letter
describing the Association, a short history, and an application to
A30 owners who inquire.  I think that these could use some updating, 
but I don't have the time right now.  It would be great if Rona 
would like to look into this.  I could send you a copy of the current
package, if you want.

The racing and cruising schedules are on the web site.  The racing
trophies probably aren't of much interest to most people outside 
the Annapolis area.  I'd like to put the class rules online, but
haven't gotten around to typing them in.

<SIGH>  There's just too little time.  Between work, working on the
boat, picking up the membership responsibilities from Skip Hallam,
and the incidental stuff like the holidays and the housework, it's
hard for me to find two minutes to rub together.

 - George

> From: FINNUS505 at aol.com
>  HI George,
> If there are people considering buying an Alberg 30, and we are trying to help
> them make that decision, then sending them the maintainance manual which shows
> the flaws of the boat is probably not the best marketing move.
> A slimmed down Chesapeake Bay Alberg 30 One Design Association, Inc handbook,
> would probably be more enticing. Remove members names, and other irrelevant
> info, but keep the class history, the class rules, the ads, the racing
> schedule, the cruising schedule, the various trophies etc, and you will
> project the image of a very social class and active class, and have a nice
> pamphlet to mail to prospective alberg 30 purchasers.
> Not to be one that drops suggestions on the desk of club officers and walks
> away, wondering how they magically come to be, my wife Rona thinks she would
> like to make an attempt at this pamphlet. Let us know what you think.
> Lee Trachtenberg
> Stargazer #255
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  George Dinwiddie                                  gdinwiddie at min.net
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
  sailing.          http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Alberg30/

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