[alberg30] Voltmeter vs. AMP hr meter

FINNUS505 at aol.com FINNUS505 at aol.com
Sun Dec 6 10:35:32 PST 1998

From: FINNUS505 at aol.com

Hi Chris, 
Why are you installing a voltmeter vs. an amp-hr meter. The way it was
explained to me, the voltmeter gives much more variable readings than an amp
hr meter.  The example that was given to me goes as follows. Situation A -
youve just been running your 
VHF for 15 minutes, without the engine or any other charger being on. For
curiosity, you flip the voltmeter to see where youre batteries are. You get a
scare, because the meter shows real low. In fact, the batteries have plenty of
juice, but are just relecting the temp drain of the VHF, and have not had a
chance to regenerate yet.
Situation B you get on the boat after being away for two weeks. you check you
r voltmeter, and it reads OK,  but 3 minutes of the VHF leaves you with no
Amp hr meter, on the other hand, keeps track of exactly how much current goes
in and out of your electrical system.

I've probably butchered this explanation, but its been explained to me by more
than one person who DOES know what they are talking about. Feel free to jump
in and clarify what I've mangled here!!!!!!!!

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