[alberg30] Re: gas refrigerators

Forhan, Thomas Thomas.Forhan at mail.house.gov
Wed Dec 9 07:46:26 PST 1998

From: "Forhan, Thomas" <Thomas.Forhan at mail.house.gov>

I have one of these units in my VW camper.  It is critical that the unit be 
level while operating in the propane mode. Even the slightest angle messes 
it up - I use a level and rocks/logs at a campsite to adjust the van so the 
unit works properly.

On an Alberg, it certainly would not work underway. Even at anchor, how and 
where your guests sit would impair the operation.

Also, please do not vent this unit into your engine compartment! Kaboom!

-----Original Message-----
From:	George Dinwiddie [SMTP:gdinwiddie at min.net]
Sent:	Wednesday, December 09, 1998 9:26 AM
To:	alberg30 at onelist.com
Subject:	[alberg30] gas refrigerators

From: George Dinwiddie <gdinwiddie at min.net>

> Thomas Parks said:
>	[snip]
>    By the way, your pictures arrived today. Thanks much. I had never
> seen how the old ice box fit in that area. Can anyone tell me why you
> can't install a RV type gas-electric in that space? You could vent it
> out the side into yhe engine compartment. Is the movement of the boat to 
> much for them to work on gas while your sailing? If that would work it
> would be a lot more economical than what you see in the marine catalogs. 
> Especially if you live close to the RV capital of the world!!


I've been told (by someone who lived in an Airstream for many years
and who has an Alberg 37) that the gas-powered refrigeration units
are very sensitive to motion.  He investigated them and found that
they don't work very well on a boat.

 - George

  George Dinwiddie                                  gdinwiddie at min.net
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
  sailing.          http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Alberg30/

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