[alberg30] Re: Origo Stove

Bill Slater cd25d at clnk.com
Sat Dec 12 06:49:48 PST 1998

From: cd25d at clnk.com (Bill Slater)


I was just talking about BTU output.  I assume that the flames would be the
same "size", but was not sure of their outputs!

Thanks & happy holidays


-----Original Message-----
From: Marjorie Goettle <mgoettle at erols.com>
To: alberg30 at onelist.com <alberg30 at onelist.com>
Date: Saturday, December 12, 1998 8:03 AM
Subject: [alberg30] Re: Origo Stove

>From: Marjorie Goettle <mgoettle at erols.com>
>Our Origo non-pressurized heats water faster than the old stove.  That
>is probably an unfair comparison.  To really compare the cooking times,
>one should compare 2 new stoves, which of course I am not doing.
>Logically, one would think that as both burn alcohol, both would heat in
>the same time if the flames were the same size.
>Marjorie Goettle, Jubilant #435
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