[alberg30] Re: filling an Origo

FINNUS505 at aol.com FINNUS505 at aol.com
Mon Dec 14 17:48:25 PST 1998

From: FINNUS505 at aol.com

Hi Tom,
The biggest warning that comes with the Origo is to not overfill the
canisters. To fill them, look at the screen on top, and find the flattened
spot on the screen.  Hold the canister at about a 45 degree angle, with the
flat spot on the screen lowermost.  Then carefully pour in the alcohol, right
throuh the screen,  until the cottom badding is saturated.  Then put the
canister back in the stove and cook.

If this is at all unclear, go to a marine store and sneak a look at the


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