[alberg30] Re: Drain pipes

FINNUS505 at aol.com FINNUS505 at aol.com
Tue Dec 15 09:53:12 PST 1998

From: FINNUS505 at aol.com

Hi Bob, Dan,
On Stargzer, 1967 model, I found this maze of stiff black 1/2" hose serving as
drains for the rain gutters under the cockpit ice box hatch, and the cockpit
locker covers.  The pipes were full of debris and sand.  On both sides they
drained through the lower part of the cockpit side bulkheads, onto the cockpit
I had to cut them to remove them, and I had a hell of a time working the sand
and debris out of the copper connecting hoses to clear them.  I replaced the
hose with clear hose so that I could see when they were starting to block up
again, and where.  The gutter system in tne cockpit seats in the early model
boats is really insufficient.  When you're heeled over, if a big splash ends
up in the leeward seat, the gutter will be overun, and water is going to get
in the locker.  maybe I'll try some weather stripping between the bottom of
the locker cover, and the inner lip of the gutter.

Best Regards,
Lee Trachtenberg
Stargazer #255

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