[a30] Re: maintenance manual for nonmembers?

Robert Kirk kirk at neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov
Tue Dec 1 13:00:25 PST 1998

From: Robert Kirk <kirk at neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov>

At 11:25 01-12-98 -0500, you wrote:
>From: George Dinwiddie <gdinwiddie at min.net>
>I get, on occasion, requests to purchase the Maintenance Manual from
>individuals who are not members of the Association.  I'm reluctant
>to make it available.  
>What do you think about this issue?  Should we make the manual
>available to non-members?  Should we charge extra, if we do?
>I really want to hear your opinions.

George... I agree with you: keep the manual distribution within
the membership for all the good reasons you mentioned, plus
the fact that there's probably a finite supply and we need to
think of future members - the A30 will be around for a while.

I get into a similar quandary with non-members asking to put
ads into the MAINSHEET.  In that case, though, I always take ads
selling A30's since I believe it's to the membership's benefit.
The only ones I decline are broker's ads.

The obvious solution is for everyone on the list to join the
Association. We'd  love to have them.

Isobar #181

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