[alberg30] Re: teak grating
Gordon E. White
gewhite at crosslink.net
Sun Dec 6 11:46:57 PST 1998
From: "Gordon E. White" <gewhite at crosslink.net>
Got your check. The grating kit is all boxed up (job, that) and
ready for UPS. As it needs some kind of customs form I do not have I may
need to take it to a UPS depot rather than call the truck and that might
take a couple of days. I need to show up at the Smithsonian this week
anyway before they forget I work there and I have a nibble on selling my
Mustang, plus a couple other errands in the big city. (I spend most of
my time on Chesapeake Bay in a county so rural it has only 2 traffic
lights, the nearest 15 miles west of here.)
- Gordon
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