[alberg30] Re: Dogleg table support

greg vandenberg fashionguy at ameritech.net
Sat Dec 5 04:24:03 PST 1998

From: greg vandenberg <fashionguy at ameritech.net>

TOM Parks... was that the Alberg 35 at Torrenssen's (sp) Marina? What do you
think of the 35's. It wasn't a very good example of a well kept boat. If I saw
a great one I think I would jump. I know I would go for a project boat in the
37. There is one in great shape for sale in Whitehall north of Muskegon.
Asking $56 K... for a 1967. Out of my league but what a great vessel! I
thought it was over priced... what do I know!?

kindest regards,
greg vandenberg

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