[alberg30] Re: Refinishing Cabin Sole

greg vandenberg fashionguy at ameritech.net
Sat Dec 5 15:26:08 PST 1998

From: greg vandenberg <fashionguy at ameritech.net>

Chris... LOOKS GREAT!  Tom ... you should check it out. Hay chris... that area
just starboard of the main companion way? I have a garbage compartment there.
The hole is in the counter top and back side is flush against the bulkhead.
What is that box or what is it anyway... right where my garbage hole would be?
Are those steps removable? Mine have been removed... I have one of those fold
up steps (chrome job) tacked on to the side of the ice box. I never missed the
steps... I guess I never had'em... were gone when we got her. 

	I hadn't been to your sight sense last winter... thanks for the reminder!

Kindest regards,
greg vandenberg

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