[alberg30] Re: bottom paint

Gordon E. White gewhite at crosslink.net
Mon Dec 7 01:40:38 PST 1998

From: "Gordon E. White" <gewhite at crosslink.net>

    When my boat came out of the water and was pressure washed it ended
up looking very mottled; spots of the old paint came off leaving the
surface fairly rough what with high spots & low. The yard suggested
sandblasting off all the old paint to give a smooth surface before
repainting. They get $15/ft for that.
    Any ideas? I am not worried about smoothness per se as I do not
race, but I wonder if there is any 1) danger to the underlying gelcoat
from sandblasting and 2) do I really gain anything from a
good-for-the-boat point of view to getting off all the old paint?
    There are places where the old paint has blisters about quarter-size
or so. Last time I painted (in 1995) I popped lots of such blisters,
which are in the paint, not the gelcoat. I can remove them and the
gelcoat is fine but it leaves a shallow crater in the surface if I do
not take off all the old paint. Alternatively I could sand these spots
fairly smooth. Any recommendations?

                                        - Gordon White A-275

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