[alberg30] Re: bottom paint

Jacques Guerette Jacques.Guerette.jguerett at nt.com
Mon Dec 7 07:19:40 PST 1998

From: "Jacques Guerette" <Jacques.Guerette.jguerett at nt.com>

My boat's bottom was in similar condition when I bought it.  I had the
bottom sandblasted.  While effective, it was rather destructive, leaving the
bottom pitted and cratered, taking paint off my cradle, chewing up some of
the plastic through hulls, etc.  It was worth it though, 'cause I've got a
smooth slippery bottom now.

A better way to go is to "sand blast" the hull using baking soda. This
approach doesn't pit the hull, is more environmentally friendly and easier
on things attached to or around your bottom.  I've never seen this procedure
but by all accounts I've read it is superior to sandblasting.  

I've got an article on the subject I could send you if you're interested....


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Gordon E. White [SMTP:gewhite at crosslink.net]
> Sent:	Monday, December 07, 1998 4:41 AM
> To:	alberg30 at onelist.com
> Subject:	[alberg30] Re: bottom paint
> From: "Gordon E. White" <gewhite at crosslink.net>
> George:
>     When my boat came out of the water and was pressure washed it ended
> up looking very mottled; spots of the old paint came off leaving the
> surface fairly rough what with high spots & low. The yard suggested
> sandblasting off all the old paint to give a smooth surface before
> repainting. They get $15/ft for that.
>     Any ideas? I am not worried about smoothness per se as I do not
> race, but I wonder if there is any 1) danger to the underlying gelcoat
> from sandblasting and 2) do I really gain anything from a
> good-for-the-boat point of view to getting off all the old paint?
>     There are places where the old paint has blisters about quarter-size
> or so. Last time I painted (in 1995) I popped lots of such blisters,
> which are in the paint, not the gelcoat. I can remove them and the
> gelcoat is fine but it leaves a shallow crater in the surface if I do
> not take off all the old paint. Alternatively I could sand these spots
> fairly smooth. Any recommendations?
>                                         - Gordon White A-275
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