[alberg30] Re: sinks in heads
Marjorie Goettle
mgoettle at erols.com
Wed Dec 9 11:20:31 PST 1998
From: Marjorie Goettle <mgoettle at erols.com>
>From Marjorie & Bill Goettle, Jubilant #435:
Our head sink drains through its own through hull. When our original
(?) Al sink gave up the ghost, we bought a stainless steel salad bowl of
the same size and bolted it into the bottom fitting. It looks and
cleans better than the old one.
I am NOT saying that we like the tiny head, but here is an opinion from
two who have lived with the lousy head compartment for periods ranging
up to 9 long months at a shot (our cruises seem too long whenever we go
near the head compartment!).
Think twice about removing the head sink. We both think that if we did
not have a second source for water and for washing our hands when the
other person is at the galley sink, it would be the "final"
inconvenience as far as the A30 is concerned. Sure, the sink makes the
head area a bit tighter, but having a sink there is by far the lesser of
2 evils as far as we are concerned.
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