[alberg30] Re: Wheel Steering Installation - Merriman?

Gordon E. White gewhite at crosslink.net
Fri Dec 11 09:28:27 PST 1998

From: "Gordon E. White" <gewhite at crosslink.net>


    that wheel-steerer piece on the A-35 web page is great. Edson should
use it. It shows all the angles involved in installing the setup.

    NOW: I have been offered a good deal on a new Merriman wheel
steerer. Is Merriman out of business? Anyone know? Has another company
taken their products over? It is a complete pedestal, wheel, wheel
brake, guard, hardware, etc. but I think I will need the quadrant. I'd
like to get engine controls on the pedestal, which this one does not

                                            - Gordon White A-275

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