[alberg30] Re: Staysail on the sailplan?

FINNUS505 at aol.com FINNUS505 at aol.com
Tue Dec 8 19:03:37 PST 1998

From: FINNUS505 at aol.com

Hi Greg, 
Its a good thought, because it certainly is low enough to not interfere with
the spinaker.  But look on page 35 of the handbook, rule 15 D; "Spinaker
staysails are not permitted in class racing. However any allowed headsail may
be flown with the spinaker."
On face value, this seems contradictory, unless 'spinaker staysail' is an
early term for a 'Blooper', which is a very expensive sail made of spinaker
cloth that flies on the opposite side of the spinaker pole. All the rules
concerning sails seem to be interested in keeping costs within a families
budget, so banning the blooper is sound management.
But if a regular, old staysail were part of the rig, it would be considered an
'allowed headsail', and so could be flown with the spinaker.
I am going to get hold of more detailed rig drawings, and answer this staysail
question once and for all.

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