[alberg30] Re: in hull transducer

Jack Vanderloo jvdloo at cyberus.ca
Wed Dec 9 17:41:32 PST 1998

From: Jack Vanderloo <jvdloo at cyberus.ca>

Gordon E. White wrote:
> From: "Gordon E. White" <gewhite at crosslink.net>
> Jack,
>     That was a good description. I am still debating which way to go. I
> guess I am not as concerned with the heel angle as other considerations
> because I can take it into account if sailing at considerable angle in
> shallow water (which I don't suppose I should be).
>     My knot meter however is regularly exposed or at least put into
> cavitation when on port tack because it is located too high on the
> bottom. Actually it is pretty near the keel which gives an idea of the
> angle of heel of the boat. Mine kind of takes a pretty good angle and
> stays there.
>                                     - Gordon White
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Point's well taken, but as Jacques and Guy will attest, we poor gobs up
here in Ottawa are restricted to very thin water - essentially a 25 mile
stretch of river where you're constantly tacking, one minute in 150' of
water 2' from shore, and the next in 2' of water 1000' from the opposite
shore.  Generaly, eyes are glued to the depth sounder.
Yup, my lifting knot log on port tack wreaks havok with my ability to
brag about maximum and/or average speeds!  It's a real toss-up:
incorrect speed info. versus the joys of sitting there on the loo'ard
coaming, toerails awash!

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