[alberg30] Re: Question - Average Heeling Angles for A30's
Jack Vanderloo
jvdloo at cyberus.ca
Thu Dec 10 12:26:36 PST 1998
From: Jack Vanderloo <jvdloo at cyberus.ca>
Jackie E. Thomas wrote:
> From: "Jackie E. Thomas" <JThomas at lombard.ca>
> Hi Guys, since I am considering moving from a C&C25 which sails best and
> faster when kept flat and I keep hearing your stories about the heeling of
> the A30 I thought I'd pose the questions:
> What is the usual heel angle with 15 kts of wind and is this because of
> boat design or is this from owners choice of sail plans ie. overcanvassed?
> I love the look and layout of your boats but find severe heel to be tiring
> on an all-day sail and I want to know what I am getting into before I buy
> rather than after.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jackie
> C&C 25 Contrary
> Alexandra YC - Toronto
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Ahoy Jackie:
A signal from that guy you met at your club this summer - ALDABI. Glad
to see you're following up on your quest for an Alberg.
My two cents' worth on the healing angle issue:
1. When hard on the wind, Albergs are initially tender, period ... a
function of her lovely narrow beam, one I won't trade for a dozen of
these newer "Chlorox bottles on keels". Same sensitivity to initial
heel as my previous Alberg 22. Albergs do stiffen up at higher angles.
2. There are just too many variables at play to say anything definitive
about wind/sail combinations versus heeling angles, other than to say my
Alberg seems to thrive with the toerail almost awash.
3. ANY all-day close-hauled course in 15 knots is going to be tiring in
ANY boat, even on autopilot and especially if you feel compelled - come
hell or high water - to reach a specific destination.
4. During this summer's three months' cruise, I can count the number of
times I was close-hauled for any length, on one hand. You ease the
sheets and fall off a bit.
5. Albergs are great for a close-hauled "fishermens' reef" .. hold your
course on your jib and ease the mainsheet, luffing the main (and watch
that aft third of the sail still draw beautifully! Looks like hell;
freaks out the competition).
6. Judicious and timely use of the traveller is a must.
7. Best advice ... crew on an Alberg next year and ask the skipper to
put her through her paces - in all conditions.
All the best.
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