[alberg30] Re: Origo Stoves

Amy & David Swanson zira at mindspring.com
Fri Dec 11 13:57:01 PST 1998

Guy -

We have a Origo 4000 flush mounted in the counter.  I was aslo concerned
about cooking the boat (not because of this stove in particular), but it
has not proved to be a problem.  I would not walk away and leave the
burner going uncovered, but I have left it uncovered for a few minutes
while preparing food & the fiberglass was only barely warm.

IF you don't want to spend the money to install propane & IF you don't
cook while underway, the Origo is great.

Strayaway Child
Alberg 30 #229

Guy Lalonde wrote:

>  Hi Lee,you mentionned you have an Origo stove. I have a
> pressurizedalcool system which I hate. Cinched off all the hairs on
> myright hand trying to light it once. I don't feel safe using
> thatthing and am interested in replacing it with an Origo stove. A
> friend of mine (who is a professional chef ) has an Origo onhis boat
> (a non-A30) and he loves it. I noticed that the flamecoming out of an
> Origo can be quite high. As long as a pot orpan is over it, I don't
> see any problem. If your A30 is like mine the stove is located on the
> starboardedge of the galley counter on starboard, which places the
> burnersjust below the area where the coach roof meets the deck.Origo
> claims to make a flush unit that can fit in the existingcutout for a
> pressurized alcool stove. (Hang in there I'm gettingto the point !
> ) So my concern about the Origo is with the height of the flameand the
> location of the stove. If I forgot to lower the flame beforeremoving a
> pot, is the flame high enough to melt or come incontact and burn the
> coach roof / deck join area just above ?Maybe a protective plate in
> that area is required ? What has beenyour experience with the Origo
> ? With my existing pressurized alcool system, even set at high
> theflame is not that high once it is going. By the way, found the
> Origo web site if anyone needs info on
> them. http://www.origo-sweden.com/Default.htm   Guy        Cyrena
> #466guy.lalonde at sympatico.ca
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