[alberg30] Re: Origo Stoves

Guy Lalonde guy.lalonde at sympatico.ca
Fri Dec 11 14:58:40 PST 1998

From: "Guy Lalonde" <guy.lalonde at sympatico.ca>

the Origo 4000 looks like it would fit into the gimballed
mount used with my pressurized stove. I might have to
remove the little angle braces in each corner of the
frame and modify the bracket that supports the weight
at the bottom of the gimbal set. I would also have to
ensure that the modified gimbal can swing freely before
buying the 4000.
The Origo 4100 definitely won't fit on mine.
If you can get by with only one burner, maybe the 2000 
can be fit onto your gimbal frame by fitting a SS plate 
with a cut out of the appropriate size over the gimbal frame.

Origo's web site provides the external dimensions as well
as the cutout dimensions of each model.

Guy        Cyrena #466
guy.lalonde at sympatico.ca

----Original Message-----
From: Robert E Johns <bobjns at nais.com>
To: alberg30 at onelist.com <alberg30 at onelist.com>
Date: Friday, December 11, 1998 1:50 PM
Subject: [alberg30] Re: Origo Stoves

>From: Robert E Johns <bobjns at nais.com>
>When  the Origos first came out I checked dimensions and came to the
>conclusion that I could not make it fit in the gimballed mount that we
>mounted our pressure stove in. Were they made in several sizes or did I
>just read it wrong? My impression is that the Origo was too *big*, not too
>small. Looks like  I had better get the tape out again.
>Bob Johns
>Wind Call #397
>>From: Marjorie Goettle Jubilant #435
>>Our flush mount Origo is just a little smaller than the old Homestrand.
>>It's width is the same, but the long dimension is about an inch less.
>>It did not fall through the old cutout, but required new screw holes and
>>some cosmetic work around the old cutout when we mounted it.
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