[alberg30] Re: jpeg's of our Albergs

Robert E Johns bobjns at nais.com
Sun Dec 13 14:49:10 PST 1998

From: Robert E Johns <bobjns at nais.com>

Hello All.

I think  that it would be a good idea to post pictures and other
"attachments" to a site such as Chris Sousa's and then send a message to
the group that they are there, rather than using the "attachment" facility
of email. The problem I see is that when sent as an "attachment",  a long
file ties up the email downloading process and you can't download the rest
of your mail until the attachment has downloaded. A friend just sent me an
attachment that took 22 minutes to download and it was a WinTel ".exe" file
that I couldn't run on my Mac anyway.

I'll try out Chris' offer by sending him a picture of Wind Call with a 5000
pound Mercury Marque sedan sitting on its deck.

	Bob Johns
	Wind Call #397

>From: "J.Sousa" <jsss at net1plus.com>
>To all whom it may concern,
>I have recently added an A30 picture album to my homepage
>(http://www.net1plus.com/users/jsss) and am currently accepting digital
>images and photographs (for scanning), and could hopefully acquire a
>good list of Albergs and their pictures.  So if any of you would like a
>pic of your fine boat online, send it over!
>Chris Sousa
>Carina Vela

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