[alberg30] Re: Knapps Narrows Bridge
Gordon E. White
gewhite at crosslink.net
Sat Dec 19 01:41:37 PST 1998
From: "Gordon E. White" <gewhite at crosslink.net>
I have read about the new Knapps Narrows bridge in the CAPCA
newsletter and heard from other sources that it was a mistake, but I
don't suppose Maryland will put the old one back! Thankfully for me, in
Deltaville and no longer sailing out of the Severn, I probably won't
have occasion to use that bridge any more.
As you say, some people on the water have no clue as to the rules. I
like to make contact with captains of large ships early on via vhf when
there is any question and let them know what I intend to do. Makes sure
they see me, too.
I remember one case coming up the Delaware on a charter where I was
navigator and the owner was on board and he paid no attention to a ferry
crossing our path at a high rate of speed. We were privileged and stood
on and seemed to be clearing ahead but I couldn't raise their bridge on
vhf and I guess they did not see us at all and I decided if they weren't
responding maybe they were not paying attention which turned out to be
the case and they almost turned into us. Last summer in Maine we were in
mast-high fog and heard a ferry coming up astern. He was pretty relieved
when he heard from the boat under the mast tip showing above the fog.
- Gordon White A-275
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