[alberg30] Re: proposed new gummint regs
mgrosh at shore.intercom.net
Sat Dec 19 04:54:05 PST 1998
From: "mgrosh" <mgrosh at shore.intercom.net>
I agree with you entirely-the rules are pretty clear, but one has to have
read them to apply them. For example, I have given up blowing passing
signals to pleasure craft-blowing one or two whistles just seems to confuse
them;and worse, it commits me to a course of action that may become
inappropriate if they start circling around like rabbits with a dog after
them (this has happened more than once to me). The only whistles I sound are
the danger signal-5 short blasts(international).
Someone recently posted an unrelated message comparing a certain type vessel
with Dodge Morgan's American Promise. I couldn't help wonder if I was to
visualize her before or after she was run down by a coal barge off Patuxent
river =:o.
Michael Grosh
Checkmate #220
Tug Elizabeth Anne
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