[alberg30] Re: projects in progress !!

Sutherland tomsu at uky.campus.mci.net
Thu Jun 4 21:07:46 PDT 1998

From: tomsu at uky.campus.mci.net (Sutherland)

 George Dinwiddie wrote:

>Have you considered molding your own hatch out of fiberglass?  I'm very
>wary of such changes.  You want a lot of strength and water tightness
>in the cockpit sole.

        I really had not concidered that option. If I can find any good
"how to" info. I will certainly consider

>I would be interested in hearing about your window restoration, though.

        I was quite reluctant to tamper with windows which did not leak ,
but they looked so bad I just had         to do somthing. The plexiglas was
very scratched up and the frames were quite scratched and stained. It
appeared that somthing (perhaps teak cleaner from the cabin top hand rails)
had run down over them and taken the anodisation off of the aluminum frames
is spots.
        I thought of having the exterior frames chrome plated but there was
no one in town that could plate aluminum. I decided to take the anodization
off and buff and polish the aluminum . I remembered that on some of my old
British motorcycles that the polished alum. looked like chrome.
         I reolize this will need to be polished from time to time but It
has been in the eliments for six or eight weeks so far and still shines
like chrome. You must remove the anodization in progression, Start with 220
sand paper then go to 320 and then to 500 or 600. then you must use a
buffing wheel , begining with an emery cake and finishing with white rouge.
these polishing compounds are available at "Sears"
        Aside from polishing the alum. frames I pretty much followed the
"Maintenance Manual" in the window replacment. I did use the 1/4 in.
Plexiglas and the "Rule Elastomeric" as mentioned in the Manual. The one
thing I did a bit differently was to trace the outline of the opening
rather than take the pattern off of the old window. I had a friend hold the
plexiglas with the paper still on it against the oppening while I traced
around the perimeter with a pencil. I than cut right on the line which
allowed the window to set inside the cut-out in the cabin top. Sand the
edges and test fit the plexiglas. if necessary sand a bit more. I do not
believe you want a tight fit.
        Also , on any openings which showed any signs of delamination I
mixed up a little epoxy with "West 406 Colloidal Silica" and worked in
between the delaminations with a thin putty knife and then put many clamps
around the perimeter. I tried to wipe off any epoxy which squeezed out.
After removing the clamps I would sand  if necessary.
        These new chrome looking frames and crystal clear Plexiglas windows
really look good. I am not sure at this time how often the frames will have
to be polished . but I guess if they do not hold up I can clear coat them .

Tom Sutherland
A-30 # 412
Lexington Ky.

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