[alberg30] Re: atomic 4 & stuff

F. Otta fotta at yorkville.com
Thu Jun 4 06:21:16 PDT 1998

From: "F. Otta" <fotta at yorkville.com>

> Can't help you with engine noises, but always interested in other renovation
> projects. I'm re-wiring, putting in new head, new galley, new fuel tank,
> access hatch in cockpit sole so I can get to stuffing box and water pump on
> engine, replacing rotton spacer wood on all deck and mast tracks.......and the
> list goes on!~rewiring mast, painted mast and spreaders.......
> Lets hear your projects!!
> Lee Trachtenberg

Well, let me see.....

I've done the usual renovation things. Also, I removed the gas tank from
over the engine and put a new one into the stbd locker, rebuilt the mast
step, putting backing plates under the stanchions, rebuilt the sliding
hatch, rebuilt the sea hatch, rebuilt the fwd hatch frame, put on an
anchor roller, rebuilt the head, removed most of the interior wood,
stripped, cetol'ed it, replaced it, painted some of the interior, etc.,

I'm planning to make an access hatch in the port locker to allow easy
access to the drive and tiller stuffing boxes, rewire the boat,
(considering) rebuilding the A4 over the winter, adding a second mast

Here are a few questions for anyone who has experience with this.......

1) Under my battery compartment, beneath the cabin sole, there is a
closed-off area that tends to collect water (dripping from whrever it
drips). This area is not connected to the sump where my bilge pumps (1
manual, 1 auto) are located so it doesn't drain. Seems to me that it
*should* be connect via a drain hole. Is it possible that there is in
fact one there somewhere, merely plugged with crud? I'm considering
through-drilling the aft section of this area so that it *does* drain
into the bilge. Access is very difficult though so I've been puittin it
off. Comments? Suggestions?

RE Atomic 4 oil pressure:

I caslled Don Moyer who was very helpful and truly a pleasure to talk
to. Anyway, he suggested that I screw the oil bypass screw all the way
in and note the oil pressure:

Screw all the way in at idle cold - ~35 psi
at idle warm at oper. temp. - ~20 psi
at 2000 rpm, warm - up to ~ 45 psi then back to idle with psi dropping
slowly to about ~18-20

Thus I guess the engine is OK, though psi is still somewhat low. The
squeaking noise seems to be abated. Perhaps there was not enough oil
getting to some of the bearing (yeah, i know, wonderful...). I guess
rebuilding it will make an intersting winter project.

Also, I replaced the points, lead wire and rotor. The engine runs much
better. Previuosly it was unable to keep a steady, high rev. Now seems
to be OK.

Regards to all

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