[alberg30] Re: bilge access

F. Otta fotta at yorkville.com
Fri Jun 5 11:28:33 PDT 1998

From: "F. Otta" <fotta at yorkville.com>


I took some time to explore the non-draining aspect of the bilge area
under the batteries and it turns out that there indeed is a drain (hole)
oval at the aft end of the area, draining into the bilge sump through
the seperator bulkhead. This drain goes to (almost) the bottom of the
sump. I had to use a long wire to poke thru the accumulated crud to get
it to drain but now it's OK. Gettin *all* of the water out of this area
is a problem since the bilge pump(s) are not capable of draining the
sump completely.


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