[alberg30] Re: seat/hatch tops

F. Otta fotta at yorkville.com
Mon Jun 8 07:54:54 PDT 1998

From: "F. Otta" <fotta at yorkville.com>

My alberg (#545) has major wood rot of the exposed hatch inlays,
especially on the sliding hatch. I epoxied over the wood (clear expoy)
on the locker lids but rebuilt the sliding hatch. I ground out the
rotted areas and filled them with body filler. The poured epozy over all
and layed down several layers of cloth. More epoxy to fair it then
painted it non-skid white. Looks fine and I don't have to worry about
the wood rotting again since it is completely selaed off. I'm probably
going to do the same to the locker seats and the lazarette hatch. The
wood is just too much of a pain to keep up.

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