[alberg30] Re: Atomic 4 sounds

F. Otta fotta at yorkville.com
Wed Jun 3 06:08:14 PDT 1998

From: "F. Otta" <fotta at yorkville.com>

Thanks for all of the responses and advice.

I took Steve's advice (warning) and adjusted the oil bypass screw. I got
the pressure up to about 18 psi at idle (warm). If I rev the engine up
to about 3K it goes up to about 25psi but not much more than that. aLL
values in neutral.

As for the squeaking/clunking noise - it seemed to be coming from around
the water pump/alternator power take-off. I disconnected the drive belt
and the noise seemed to go away, though I don't know if this was
temporary. Actually, the noise seemed to become reduced to a subaudible
level (I can *feel* it) - maybe I'm just paranoid...


1) Does the fact that the oil pressure does not vary a great deal even
when at higher revs a sign that the oil system is faulty.

2) How does the bypass adjustment work? The manuals are very vague about
this. Can I access and rebuild/clean the oil pump without dismantling
the engine? Is it possible to over-adjust the bypass screw (assuming
that the pressure level according to the gauge is OK)?

Thanks in advance

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