[alberg30] Re: #499 in the house

Sutherland tomsu at uky.campus.mci.net
Mon Jun 8 11:21:03 PDT 1998

From: tomsu at uky.campus.mci.net (Sutherland)

Hey Joe...........!

        It is really good to have you back and participating on this list.
I ment to reply sooner but I have been covered up with boat projects ! I'm
sure you know the feeling.
        I was also intertaining the idea of removing the coaming boards on
# 412, but did not get any info from anyone who had doon it. I decided to
remove all of the screws and fittings ( which I thought would help in
striping and refinishing anyway and if at that point they seemed to want to
come off with little effort I would take them off , If  not , I would leave
them . They didn't and I did !!!........ I was afriad I would break them if
I tried to force them. I do believe I will remove the old caulk where it is
cracked and worn out and tape odd the fiberglass and run a fine bead where
needed before I varnish ( I am using the Armada and so far I like it ) I
have always been a bright work kind of person but as I get older I reolize
it is either maintaining bright work or spending a bit more time on the
water !
        I must get back on board and tear out some more interier
!..............later !

Tom Sutherland
A 30 #412

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