[alberg30] Re: Bilge

Gordon E. White gewhite at crosslink.net
Thu Nov 5 13:15:21 PST 1998

From: "Gordon E. White" <gewhite at crosslink.net>

    My boat (#275) has a roughly similar "tray" just forward of the
engine, under the cabin sole, for the batteries. There is space under
that tray, which tapers quickly upwards as you go forward. I don't know
how deep it is, but  not very, as you find the top of the cast iron keel
pretty quickly down there. I don't know about rotten, but it is
certainly often wet and oily. I occasionally lose something down there
through a fairly small drain hole in the tray that allows water that
finds its way down to go on and not submerge the batteries until the
whole bilge gets that high. I'm sure some battery acid gets down there
like under a car's battery, which probably accounts for the condition of
the glass.
    There is not room to store a lot of water in the Alberg's bilges!
                        Gordon White

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