[alberg30] Re: Alberg 30 ??'s

Robert Kirk kirk at neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov
Mon Nov 9 08:16:27 PST 1998

From: Robert Kirk <kirk at neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov>

At 06:41 09-11-98 -0600, Bill Slater wrote:

>Thanks for your comments.  The boat is an older model (icebox is upright and
>can be accessed from the cockpit as well as the cabin.  I dont know the hull
>number, but will attempt to find out today.

The deck-accessible ice box was a nice idea which turned out poor, in
practice, I'm told, because of rapid cooling loss. Mine had already been
modified when I bought the boat. (Incidentally, the changeover from 'old'
to 'new' was not #160 as someone mentioned, but around #450; I'll
have to look it up.) There are good plans for modifying the ice box
to improve its location and improve its insulation in the old
MAINSHEET's and probably the Maintenance Manual.

Bob Kirk
Isobar #181 (old version)

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