[alberg30] Re: Cockpit sole access

FINNUS505 at aol.com FINNUS505 at aol.com
Sat Nov 21 09:34:15 PST 1998

From: FINNUS505 at aol.com

Hi Paul,
Sorry, but I dont have the Bowmar info here, but I got it all through West
Marine, so yours should help. the plastic hatch was about 60 bucks,and the
aluminum one was over 300. when I was up in Maine, I went into a big Marine
Supply store in Searsport, that sold yacht, and commercial fishing gear. They
also had aluminum manhole covers, the kind you see on commercial fishing
boats. they had a catalogue, which they would mail to you. I just can't
remember the name. Any other A30 owners here know the name of this supply
house from your own trips to Maine?
Sorry couldn't be more help,

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