[alberg30] Re: Tiller Cap and Strap

jsss at net1plus.com jsss at net1plus.com
Sat Nov 21 16:22:18 PST 1998

From: jsss at net1plus.com

>From: FINNUS505 at aol.com
>Hi Stephen,
>I can't get down to my boat now to check which type of tiller head fittings I
>have. Does the year and hull number help?
>Thx for thinking of me, anyway!
>Lee Trachtenberg
>Stargazer #255 1967
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I checked into the A30 Manual which was in the cabin of Carina Vela when
she arrived home. This manual has a copyright date of 1973 (collectors
item, just kidding). The play in the tiller head is mentioned in the
manual. The 1973 manual states that a stainless horseshoe should be
fabricated and placed between the cap and strap, grease stainless strap
where it intersects the cap. The hex head bolt is also mentioned in the
writeup which provides information that this design is original from
Whitby. I purchased two half inch bronze bolts which will be machined to
duplicate the pin. I am going to tap the new Edson cap and install the 1/2
inch pin. The current pin treads are elongated from the stress over the
years. I pulled the Yanmar out of Carina Vela to install new motor mounts,
the mounts which were installed are original and like marshmellows. I am
currently looking using a mount manufactured by R & D Marine which are $55
less each mount (big bucks) the Yanmar mounts are $100. a little steep for
metal and rubber bonded together. If anyone else is looking into replacing
mounts the R & D brand can be ordered from PYI the manufacturer of the PSS
drip stuffing box.

Lee, hope this info helps.



                                       The Sousa's
                                   #114 Carina Vela
                                   jsss at net1plus.com

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