[alberg30] Re: Gudgeon/pintle system

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at min.net
Mon Nov 23 07:14:55 PST 1998

From: George Dinwiddie <gdinwiddie at min.net>

> mgrosh said:
> I suggest those doing rudder renovations look closely at the shoe where it
> attaches to the keel. It is attached by four relatively small bolts and
> those bolts (mine, anyway) have shown signs of electrolysis. Copper colored
> red is bad.

One year I couldn't find the proper size bronze bolt for the one that
goes in directly from the rear.  I used a stainless bolt.  When I
checked that a few years later, it had the most amazing case of
crevice corrosion that I've ever seen.  Definitely not recommended.

Bruce Rankin recommends bedding the rudder shoe with 3M 5200.  When
you need to take it off, just heat the shoe with a torch and the
5200 becomes soft as putty.

 - George

  George Dinwiddie                                  gdinwiddie at min.net
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
  sailing.          http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Alberg30/

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