[alberg30] Mast tang

Peter/Michael Hay phay at netcom.ca
Mon Nov 2 16:52:27 PST 1998

From: "Peter/Michael Hay" <phay at netcom.ca>

The mast tang inquiries caught my attention.  On my recently acquired A30
#384 I have "wire" furling (if that is what you call it?).  The furler is
suspended from a block at the top of the mast and the rewinder (??) is
attached to the aft portion of a very large bow plate.  The point is--the
forestay is still present.  The wire furler can be dropped along with its
sail (#3 I think) and a #1 or #2 hanked on the forestay.  Is anyone else
familiar with this setup.  When I moved the boat from Sarnia, Ontario
(across river from Port Huron, Michigan) to Goderich, ON I had ample
opportunity to use it and it appears to work very well.  I have been told
however that it should not be reefed and therefore act as a storm jib (inner
stay, etc.) or whatever.  I am not sure if there is some danger to the sail
or maybe it just doesn't present a good shape.
By the way, I have a 7 gallon Monogram waste tank.  It is located under the
port forepeak bunk.  Does anyone understand how such a small tank is
practical.  They call it a "recirculating" tank (I have the manual) but they
don't explain what gets recirculated.  Ideas???
Peter Hay  #384  Rubicon
phay at netcom.ca

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