[alberg30] Re: waterline/trim ?

Pete petejill at sprynet.com
Tue Nov 3 15:58:13 PST 1998

From: "Pete" <petejill at sprynet.com>


Mine (#169) also sits that way, although I have a wind vane.    However, If
my memory is correct, mine always rode high in the bow when all tanks, etc.
were empty.

Pete Howell
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Sutherland <tomsu at uky.campus.mci.net>
To: alberg30 at onelist.com <alberg30 at onelist.com>
Date: Wednesday, November 04, 1998 4:06 AM
Subject: [alberg30] waterline/trim ?

>From: Tom Sutherland <tomsu at uky.campus.mci.net>
>I just put number 412 in the water and would like to call on the
>collective wisdom of the group to evaluate something for me..........
>In my opinion she seems to be setting very low at the stern an/or high
>at the bow !  This is the first time I have had her in the water so I
>have nothing to compare to.
>    Also:
>1). The water tank is empty.
>2). The anchor locker is empty.
>3). The mast , boom  , & roller furling has not been installed.
>4). The Atomic-4 has been replaced with a Westerbeke 30 ......which may
>weigh 50 to 75 lbs. more.
>    would these factors be enough to effect the trim by what seems to be
>an appreciable amount  or should I look else where ? If so........ where
>Tom S
>Alberg 30   # 412
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