[alberg30] Re: iceboxes

Gordon E. White gewhite at crosslink.net
Mon Nov 9 10:56:44 PST 1998

From: "Gordon E. White" <gewhite at crosslink.net>

    As you say, the old style icebox with an outside lid seemed like a
good idea but it was not well-insulated and ice melted very quickly. I
modified my setup by cutting down the height of the box to just the
height of the inside door, which I made hinged at the bottom. I
therefore got about six inches between the bottom of the cockpit seat
and the top of the box, which I made into a chart table of sorts. I
inset a piece of Lexan in the old outside lid, for light. I have since
used a portable cooler which slides into the remaining icebox area for
my cold food. This is quite a bit smaller, but a lot better insulated.
    I have a refrigeration unit powered by 12 volts DC that can be
installed in the icebox. I plan to re-insulate the whole thing and put
the refrigeration system in it one of these days. It would be nice to
have a top-opening icebox that would not dump the cold air every time it
was opened. I think I can build a slide-out compartment-cum-door that
would accomplish that. It probably means removing the whole original
icebox and building a complete new compartment that will fit in its

                                - Gordon White

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