[alberg30] Re: Alberg 32

Pat Drenning drenning at erols.com
Mon Nov 16 17:37:53 PST 1998

From: Pat Drenning <drenning at erols.com>

Alex Vasiljevic wrote:
> From: "Alex Vasiljevic" <alex.vasiljevic at beeline.ca>
> Hello,
> We recently came across an Alberg 32 that was for sale. The owner told us
> that there were only four of these boats ever built.
> Since we never heard about this boat, we were wondering if anyone knows more
> about Alberg 32 and why there were only four made.
> Thanks,
> Rita & Alex
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Rita & Alex,

Carl Alberg designed the Vanguard which is 32 feet in length and was 
built by Person.  On the Bay it is sometimes to tell a Vanguard from
the Alberg 30 when they are motering.  The original Vanguards had a 
very large woden boom which is quite prominent and the ports are
slightly different.

				Pat Drenning
				"Westering Home"
				ex #178

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