[alberg30] Re: Gudgeon/pintle system

mgrosh mgrosh at shore.intercom.net
Sat Nov 21 11:23:26 PST 1998

From: "mgrosh" <mgrosh at shore.intercom.net>

I have replaced the bottom rudder pin on Checkmate #220 using a 3/8" silicon
bronze machine bolt, which I hacksawed the head off of. The threads matched
properly with the bronze stock on the leading edge of the rudder, but in my
case there was degradation of that stock, so I ended up replacing it also
with a 1" bronze driveshaft I had on hand. That piece (approx.. 12" long) is
attached to the rudder with two bolts running through the bottom of the
rudder. I didn't have trouble machining any of this stuff using an electric
drill and hand taps. Checkmate's rudder shoe had also become somewhat
'egged' (out of round) where it accepts the new pin. I was going to bush it
up with a torlon (or equivalent)sleeve, but the quantities I had to buy from
the plastic people caused me to go to plan B. I drilled the hole true (I
think I used a 1/2" bit) , stuffed the new hole with PC 7 (epoxy)-then
drilled that 3/8". I checked the rig last winter and it is holding up
great-I plan on giving it that treatment ,when necessary, from now on (it
has been 6 or 7 years).

I suggest those doing rudder renovations look closely at the shoe where it
attaches to the keel. It is attached by four relatively small bolts and
those bolts (mine, anyway) have shown signs of electrolysis. Copper colored
red is bad.


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