[alberg30] Re: DECK SPRING

stephen sousa stephen=sousa%eng%emchop1 at fishbowl02.lss.emc.com
Fri Oct 23 07:44:24 PDT 1998

From: "stephen sousa" <stephen=sousa%eng%emchop1 at fishbowl02.lss.emc.com>

>From the information received as Carina Vela was being surveyed, the 
masonite seem to be an excellent choice. The moisture meter registered very 
dry, according to the Surveyor the moisture content was less than new boats 
being manufactured. I have not seen any signs of delamination, cracking 
from stress or any other issues. I know from doing carpentry work masonite 
is much heavier and more difficult to work with than balsa. Whitby may have 
switched materials due to these reasons. Hopefully Carina Vela doesn't 
exhibit any of these problems and continues with our present success.    
Original Text
From: "Robert Kirk" <kirk at neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov>, on 10/23/98 10:41 AM:
From: Robert Kirk <kirk at neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov>

At 10:14 23-10-98 -0400, George Dinwiddie wrote:
>Stiff as a brick?  Maybe not.  But it's quite possible to have 
>delamination that you can't hear.  I found an area in my deck
>where the balsa blocks were not well bonded with the upper
>laminate.  They had a slight "cup" and were mostly bonded 
>only along the edges.  This area sounded good, but I found
>it when I was grinding a nearby area that did not sound 
>good.  I took off the top laminate and reglassed this area,
>but I kept the original balsa core (which was dry).

I understand that the older boats (like mine) were cored
with plain old masonite pegboard instated of the later
balsa. I can't verify since I've had no problems (knock
wood, er... masonite). But why the pegboard? Is it
better or worse than the balsa or foam? Is it more or
less exrensive in area than the later coring?

Bob Kirk
Isobar #181

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