[alberg30] Re: A30 teak toe rail

RABBIT649 at aol.com RABBIT649 at aol.com
Wed Oct 14 22:48:01 PDT 1998

From: RABBIT649 at aol.com

Mike Szablowski, who owner Twilight until recently, did it by removing screws
progrssively, cleaning out the hole, putting new"gunk" (I believe he used 3M
5200 although i wouldn't. I'd use Rule Elastomeric), then putting back the
original screw or bolt (I believe it has both) or replacing it with a new one
if it was mangled. If you removed several screws at a time, you might be able
to cheat new sealant between the toerail and the deck. If I took off the wood,
I'd do it one piece at a time and put it back the same day. I think there's
too much risk of the wood changing it's 'set' if you leave it off.
Paul Cicchetti
Ashwagh #23

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