[alberg30] Re: Trailer

Furey, Bill (CORP) bill.furey at corporate.ge.com
Fri Sep 25 08:04:25 PDT 1998

From: "Furey, Bill (CORP)" <bill.furey at corporate.ge.com>

Hi. I'm an Alberg 35(#267) owner curious to know if that Selox triple axle
could handle my boat-displacement 13,300#-waterline 24',beam 9'8", draft 5'
2"height on cradle 11' 8". Thks, Bill

> ----------
> From: 	bnewman at netcom.ca[SMTP:bnewman at netcom.ca]
> Sent: 	Thursday, September 24, 1998 11:21 AM
> To: 	alberg30 at onelist.com
> Subject: 	[alberg30] Trailer
> From: bnewman at netcom.ca
> John, I became an Alberg owner last year #233.  It came with a Selox
> triple 
> axle trailer, locally built in the Toronto area, which I am currently 
> repainting.  I am curious to know the kind of vehicle you plan to use to
> tow 
> the loaded trailer.  A friend brought it home the first year with a 3/4
> ton 
> deisel truck and it was working quite hard on the grades.  I had it towed
> to 
> the bay with a heavy duty tractor trailer this summer.
> Regards
> Bill Newman
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