[alberg30] Re: Backing down

Tom Sutherland tomsu at uky.campus.mci.net
Fri Sep 18 07:16:14 PDT 1998

From: Tom Sutherland <tomsu at uky.campus.mci.net>

As of yet I really do not see any problem with backing the Alberg 30.
Number 412 "InCahoots" has always gone exactly where I have tried to place
it with remarkable precision. I must say I truly do not understand all of
the talk with regard to this problem.....................Then again my boat
is still on the trailer ! <w>

Expect to be in the water in about two or three weeks........I hope !!

Tom Sutherland
# 412 "InCahoots"
Lexington Ky.

Bryan Marshall wrote:

> From: Bryan Marshall <bryan_marshall at bigfoot.com>
>     The only way I have ever had control of Marlin while in reverse is
> to gain enough speed so that the little rudder gets enough water flow to
> overcome the spin induced from the prop. Usually this is a starboard
> spin, but just when you don't expect it, the boat will spin the other
> way. . . these things have a mind of their own in reverse. The speed
> necessary to gain some control in reverse is around 3 knots. It is a
> scary feeling driving backwards in an Alberg at 3 knots. The last thing
> is, when you slow down, the thing will try to spin, so do it quickly by
> putting the boat in forward. . . don't let it drift to a stop.
>     Bryan
> p.s. Bob, I found out what happened with the racing article. Debbie's
> boyfriend claimed he had a clue of how to edit e-mail messages. . . he
> had no idea that he had sent you any but one of the copies. . . I would
> lose all but the last one because the others may have been in various
> stages of editing.
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