[alberg30] Re: Exhaust question

Steve Weingart shw at gate.net
Wed Sep 23 05:28:30 PDT 1998

From: Steve Weingart <shw at gate.net>

>Do you think I can get away with a loop of exhaust grade hose, or do I
need to
>have a metal pipe fitted?

You definitely need metal pipe!  The temp before the water injection will
burn anything else.  Plain (I believe 1 1/4") galvanized water pipe is fine
and will last a long time.  If you want to go better, SS pipe is permanent.

I replaced the exhaust on Wyvern myself, copying the original, using
galvanized pipe for everything but the last 8" section before the water
lift.  That is bronze which made it easy to silver solder in the water
injection nozzle, which just a piece of 1/2" bronze pipe fitted through a
hole drilled in the larger pipe.  The nozzle pipe is cut at a 45 deg angle
andinstalled facing down stream toward the water lift can.  The injection
point is about 4 inches from the coupler, which is a piece of exhaust hose.
 It works well.

Speed Shop Header Wrap over the pipe will keep the temp down in the engine
box, and will keep your skin on when working around a hot engine.



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