[alberg30] Current thinking on bedding compunds?

Forhan, Thomas Thomas.Forhan at mail.house.gov
Thu Apr 15 08:34:00 PDT 1999

From: "Forhan, Thomas" <Thomas.Forhan at mail.house.gov>

	Just wondering what folks like for an appropriate bedding compound.
I want to redo the handrails.  My first guess -which hints at how long I've
been into sailboats- would be 5200, but it is so tenacious that I worry
about the next rebedding. I remember when 5200 was seen as the marine
cure-all, but I am afraid I'm not up on current thinking.

	While we are at it, what do you like for bedding down replacement
lexan in the sides of the main cabin ?


	Tom F.
	Calliope #287

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